The Skin I Live In is the new film by Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar. Starring are Antonio Banderas as Dr. Robert Ledgard, Marisa Paredes as Robert's mom Marilia and Elena Anaya as his patient Vera Cruz. All of whom have appeared in previous movies by the legendary manchego filmmaker.
Dr. Robert, an innovative plastic surgeon, has invented a powerful synthetic skin. He has lost his family to tragic events and therefore uses his time to develop his scientific experiments on his guinea pig, Vera. His mother Marilia has return to help him in the house duties. Life is getting better for Robert but unexpected events will get things back to the usual.
The story is very Almodóvar-like in many aspects. The dark humor, the shocking themes and dialogs, the bright colors of the scenery, the feminine identity, Art and music presenting the tone, homosexuality in some form, nonlinear storytelling using flashbacks, a movie inside the movie itself, strong sex scenes and a final twist at the end are all elements in this flick.
The performances by Elena Anaya and Banderas are great. Anaya's unconventional role uses more body language than words, making it very interesting. Bandera's character is a bad guy with the social acceptance to do whatever he wants because of his profession. Both are worth any nomination in the festival circuit.
Almodóvar never dissapoints on my book. His stories are unique and told in an original and bizarre way. If you have not seen any of his movies, avoid this. If you are a fan, then sit back and enjoy, his latest entertaining gem. This film was nominated for the Palm D'ore at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival. 8 out of 10 stars.
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