After a four month hiatus, I'm back with a couple of things worth checking out. The first mixtape by Fort Apache, a valencian hip-hop duo featuring Nega from the infamous political hip-hop outfit, Los Chikos del Maíz [Children of the Corn in spanish], called "Cine, Ideología y Cultura de Masas".
Then, a few cool promos of Breaking Bad Season 3, that begins tomorrow Sunday March 21st, 2010 in AMC. Finally, a trailer of 2008's documentary "The People Speak" that features famous personalities reading pieces from Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States". RIP, Mr. Zinn, one of the greatest american intellectuals of the 20th century (meaning greats such as Hunter S. Thompson, C.Bukowski, W. Bouroughs, A. Ginsberg, Hemingway, etc)
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