The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is the new film by acclaimed director, David Fincher (director of Fight Club and Seven). It is an adaptation of the short-story written by F.Scott Fitzgerald, author of the classic 1920's novel The Great Gasby, who is part of the "Lost Generation" of american writers of The Jazz Age or Roaring 20's. The script was written by Eric Roth of "Forrest Gump" fame, starring are Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett with supporting roles by Tilda Swinton and Elias Koteas.
Fincher is one of the greatest american directors of our time and with this film he proves it once more. The storytelling is very original and creative. The story of Benjamin Button (a man who ages backwards) is told from a diary written by Button, who is readed by his daughter, who is in the hospital because her mother is dying. The main character at the beginning is an old and fragile man (marvelously played by Pitt) who does not fit anywhere, he lives in a home full of old people but he is merely a kid with an old man's look. He experiences things in life (first kiss, first drink, first love, etc) as an old man. He grows but gets younger every year and so on, until he dies as a recent-born like child. Anyhow his life is a normal one but very sad because he cannot experience things others do at the same time and he cannot relate to almost anyone. He loves Daisy (Cate Blanchett) but they can't stay forever together because as Daisy grows like an old woman, Benjamin keeps getting younger.
The story is based in New Orleans, Louisiana and it covers from the time World War I ended throughout the recent times when hurricaine Katrina was attacking the city. It is the time as seen by a man who grows differently from the norm but still experiences the same human feelings. Benjamin lives through the Pearl Harbor attack, The Jazz Age, The Great Depression, The Beatles prime, Racial discrimination times, among others. It is similar to Forrest Gump being "different" and having accomplished so many things in his life. The essence of life without barriers is told by this incredible story. It is a very moving and deep story that anyone can relate no matter how old or young they are.
The movie was nominated for 5 Golden Globes (no wins) and has been recently nominated for 13 Oscars (including best film, director, lead actor and adapted screenplay).
bad movie
Is an F.Scott Fitzgerald story and directed by Fincher. Greatly acted by Pitt.Sorry..
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